Uncover your brand’s true identity with our free, easy-to-use questionnaire. Start building a brand that resonates, connects, and stands out.
<aside> 1️⃣ What is your business name? What is the meaning behind the name?
Be descriptive.
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 2️⃣ What is your business purpose?
Try to sum up the goals and mission of your business in one sentence. Make sure to include your ideal audience, what your business has to offer, and how they benefit from your service/product.
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 3️⃣ Brand Attributes. Consider the words listed below select 3-5 words that best reflect your brand or desired brand personality.
<aside> 4️⃣ Who is your ideal client / target audience?
Try to get specific! Are they a certain age or demographic? What adjectives describe them?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 5️⃣ What is your client / target audience’s most basic problem, that you have the solution for?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 6️⃣ What will your clients/customers love about collaborating with you?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 7️⃣ Who are your competitors? What do you like or dislike about their approach to branding and content?
Ex: what messaging have you seen that you like, content ideas etc
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 8️⃣ How do you want your customers/clients to feel when they interact with your brand?
Ex: joyful, comforted, encouraged, excited, etc.
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 9️⃣ Who is another brand or celebrity that has a tone of voice that you love?
Ex: what is it that you admire? It can be from an unrelated industry
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🔟 What do you want to AVOID in your tone of voice?
Ex: List qualities that you do not want. Are there certain words or phrases to be avoided?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🎨 Where will your logo primarily be used? Print, web, merchandise?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🎨 How do you prefer your logo be worded or written out?
ex: Park Rd. vs. The Park Road
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🎨 Do you have a tagline? If so, would you like it stated alongside your logo?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🎨 Do you have any colour preferences or existing brand colours that need to remain?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🎨 Do you have any colours you want to steer away from?
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🎨 Do you have a preference on typography?
(ex: script, bold, light, hand drawn, custom lettering, etc.)
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> 🎨 Do you any other preferences about the design?
(Things to stay away from, aspects to include etc.)
<aside> ➡️ Answer here
<aside> ⬇️ Visual brand checklist